The word of God does not change, does not lie and does not fail - PTej

I celebrate you, Church. I started having this strange feeling in my throat like there was an object stuck there in March of 2020 around when covid19 broke out and at the time I was afraid that it was covid even though I didn’t know what covid felt like. Three weeks later, I was still having this feeling so I concluded that it was not covid. I talked to the doctor about it and she didn’t really know what to make of it. Sometimes I don’t feel it for weeks at a time and then it just shows up again. I stopped talking to my wife about it because I could tell that she was getting scared. When we went for medicals during our PR process, I was hoping that they would find something but they didn’t so I told myself my mind was playing tricks on me. Last week Sunday as Pastor started ministering, the first thing he said was that someone was having issues with their throat and that they should place their hands on their neck. I was so happy that my time had come, I put my hand on my neck and Pastor prayed. Immediately after the prayer, it started feeling like that stuff had become bigger pressing on my throat so I said the devil is not happy that he has been defeated, I continued to praise God. I continue to praise God concerning this because He has healed me. The Healing Rain has fallen on me and I am grateful.