The word of God does not change, does not lie and does not fail - PTej

I give all the glory to God Almighty who has shown me His ever-abounding grace, favour, mercies and
His overwhelming love. I am testifying to the goodness of God upon my life and my Family.
I will start by appreciating God for leading me to this wonderful family, Lofty Heights Christian
Center and giving me pastors after His heart in this land, Apostle Wale and Pastor Toro I celebrate
you Sir and Ma. They have been a huge blessing to me and in a short time of being here, have
imparted me in so many ways.

I came to Canada with a study visa last December with lots of expectations and believing God that
my case would be different from the discouraging stories I have heard. The profound scripture God
gave me the first week I landed in Canada which I held onto is in
Genesis 17:8 “And I will give the entire land of Canaan ( Canada), where you now live as a
foreigner to you and your descendants. It will be their possession forever and I will be their

Four months into my stay here I was yet to get a job and I didn’t know where my school fees for the
next semester would come from, but I constantly prayed and confessed Proverbs 11: 23 “The
desire of the righteous is only good, But the expectation of the wicked is wrath” and Ephesians
3:20-21 “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all
generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

One morning, April 18 to be precise, I received a text from PTej that read
“I had a revelation overnight that you successfully completed your program and graduated from
I’m sharing with you by the Spirit of the Lord for 2 reasons:
1. So that you’d know that your victory is already assured when the journey gets tougher and tiring.
You can draw strength from this revelation.
2. Because I also believe that you’d have reasons to be congratulated shortly, this is not about your

You’d receive a congratulatory notice in no distant time.
So, let me be the first to say to you, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
I celebrate you!

The message came timely but as a surprise to me because I had never told him anything, I held to
that word even though I didn’t know exactly what to expect . Less than a month later, I got a
congratulatory email that I have been awarded a scholarship for the next semester. E shock me! as
my people from where Lady T is from would say(borrowing from my Apostle). I didn’t qualify for this
scholarship. At the point that I was applying for the scholarship I read the requirements and I
discovered I didn’t meet some of the requirements for the scholarship but I just went ahead and
applied anyway. In fact I totally forgot about it. This God is too good! I didn’t need to worry about my
fees anymore.

I was also trusting God for my family’s visa application to come through. The wait for feedback from
IRCC was extending and I was trusting God for a favourable response. Then the enemy struck! On
June 10, God delivered my family from a fire outbreak that nearly claimed the lives of my children.
God sent the host of angels and what the devil planned turned to a big thanksgiving for my family. I
had a premonition and an unease in my spirit to fast and pray a week earlier and I did for three days,
I didn’t know what to pray about, I Just spoke in tongues all through. When I got the call that part of
our house was gutted with fire and my children were in it when it all started, that is when I
understood the gravity of the mercies and faithfulness of God towards me. God came in his might
and averted what would have been a horrible tragedy, the children came out unhurt. Everyone at the
scene of the incident could literally see the hand of God. During that same period, I got my first
official Job in Canada in a role that I have always prayed for. One resounding phrase that I got out of
this ministry is that “we don’t settle” So I believed God for the best even for a start.
After the fire incident, I started believing God strongly for the release of my Family’s Visas. That was
the major prayer point on my expectation form during the 3 Days of Glory. 3DG was a phenomenal
experience for me, I poured my heart to God and I went home knowing that it was settled. Two
weeks after 3DG, we had a leaders’ meeting one thursday evening and while rounding off the
meeting in prayer our Apostle called me out and in his exact words he said “Sis Ada your family will
be joining you soon. Receive your Family’s visas, if I be a man of God let those visas be approved in
Jesus Name” I screamed Amen. That was the confirmation I needed! In exactly 8 days after, we got
our approval mail! All visas approved!

God of wonders confirmed the words of His servant over me once again! and performed the
counsel of his messenger. God is in this house and we have a worthy shepherd.
I worship this great God who didn’t let me be put to shame. Who am I that He is mindful of me? To
Him be all the Glory, Adoration, Honour and Thanksgiving forevermore Amen!!