We are a Praying, Praising and Testifying church

The Church I See

When the Lord spoke to me about founding Lofty Heights in the year 2017, He asked me to raise for Him a tribe of vibrant and Spirit filled believers who will know WHOSE they are, WHO they are and WHY He has created them and positioned them at specific places at specific times in their lives. He further gave me three (3) Spiritual Pillars upon which the church must stand; He said to me “raise for Me these people and emphasize on My WORD – the integrity of My Word, irrefutability of My power and the demonstrations of it by the Spirit; My GRACE – its sufficiency and ability to save; My LOVE – its unflinching and never-ending nature”.

Through the eyes of the Spirit, I see a church:

That is constantly led and governed by the Spirit and whose members are not lost as to their identities – who they really are. A church filled with the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit with proofs of diverse healings, miracles, signs, wonders, and manifestations.

I see a church of vibrant believers in the Lord who are capacitated to express the love of Jesus in its truest form towards people, regardless if they are known or unknown and without expecting anything in return.

I see a church where each member of the congregation understands, recognizes and utilizes his or her authorities in Christ Jesus in living a life of constant dominion and victory.

I see a church where the Word is shared undiluted and the worship connects to heaven.

The church I see is a home of transformation for the broken, rejected, dejected and abandoned. A place for emotional and physical healings. A church where no member goes to bed hungry.

I see a church that values excellence, diligence, sacrifice and love, where the beauty and wonders of the Lord are real and her people are one big united and happy family.

I see a church with a great Music Ministry, filled with great worshippers who are blessed with diverse gifts. I see the Music Ministry of the church being a model and standard for others.

I see a church filled with a company of kingdom-conscious believers who are not ashamed of Jesus and will stand and proclaim His name and Lordship no matter the challenges they face and wherever they may be.

The church I see is such that the hearts of the kids are tuned to Jesus, exposed to godly characters and sound morals. I see a church that helps each little kid to discover and develop their innate potentials and abilities from cradle.

I see a church making tremendous impacts in her community, taking the “church” out of the four (4) walls of the building and committed to outreaches, evangelism, charities and missions.

The church I see is a great place with beautiful scenery, great sound, vibrant worshippers, spirit-lifting music and exudes joy and happiness.

I see a praying, praising, testifying and a Spirit-led church whose hallmarks are transformations, signs, wonders and miracles. A church that is so numerically large, true in love and deep spiritually.

I see a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) church, where each member understands his or her identity in Christ Jesus and knows he or she does not have to wait on anyone before appropriating the benefits of the complete works of the Cross when needed.

The church I see is like the Ark of Noah with people from all nations, colors, races and sexes flowing into it to be saved and preserved. A church that has no distinction between Blacks and Whites, Jews and Gentiles, where everyone is free to lift up holy hands in worship of the High and Lofty One.

I see a church of high achievers and performers whose members are blazing the trails in their respective fields and spheres of influence. Where each student operates in academic excellence and each career or business owner carries the marketplace anointing.

The church I see is Lofty Heights Christian Centre, where every member is a kingdom influencer and they are identified in the society as a member of the church by virtue of their exploits, greatness, and excellence!

Apostle Wale Tejumade
Church Planter,
October, 2017.
Regina, SK, Canada.