The word of God does not change, does not lie and does not fail - PTej

Towards the end of last year, I found out I had to do my fieldwork which is an internship I need
to graduate, and I need to do it this year spring and summer to not delay my graduation. This put
me under a lot of pressure because I had initially planned to do it in my last semester, but God
had other plans. Coming into this year I prayed for ease concerning everything that has to do
with me as I felt I had to fight for a lot last year.


While getting ready for my fieldwork, I found out that I needed to get a work permit and I was
just applying on February 14th which is considered to be late so I might not get it on time. I told
God that I wanted my work permit to be approved by the end of February. By the mercies of
God, it got approved on March 4th, when people told me it takes months to get it approved it took
God less than 4 weeks.

Fast forward to ending of March I had to start applying to jobs which was also said to be a late
date to apply but I still applied. I had only one place that I wanted to work at, and I prayed to
God about it. I submitted my application on March 25th, got a response the following week and
was booked in for my interview that same week. Before this I told God I wanted to get my
placement before my birthday which was on April 11th.

Going into the interview I did not know what to expect as this was not just a regular interview
but when I was getting ready for the interview, I remembered a testimony that was shared in
church and the person used the bible verse Luke 12: 11-12. And it says “when I am before rulers
and authorities the Holy Spirit will teach me what to say” to pray and I had a praise session as

Walking in there I just knew I had the backing of God. I got there and found out I had to write an
test which came as a shock to me, but I just knew what to write. The interview started from a
conversation, and I answered the first question without even knowing. They told me they will get
back to me the following week. On-going home I became very anxious about it, but the Holy
Spirit will remind be about how this is my year of ease.

April 9th, 2024:
They got back to me the following week and said I got the job placement. I just want to thank
God because he indeed made everything easy for me and taught me what to say. Although I
started everything late, he still caused all things to work together for my good.
Thank you, Jesus.

I am writing this in faith that I will testify!
April 8th, 2024:
I am back to continue my testimony. I got the job earlier than I had expected. This can only be
God. I am currently living in answered prayers by the mercies of God. He indeed listens to all
our requests. I came to church on Sunday and gave thanks for job and now it is my reality.
Thank you, Jesus!!