The word of God does not change, does not lie and does not fail - PTej

I celebrate you all my name is Sister Sophia and this is what our Lord has done in my life.

A couple of months ago I started experimenting pain in my right ribs. The pain was on and off and I thought it was from carrying my baby too much, that it was just some muscle pain.

God saw my heart, and allowed me to assist Pastor Toro and the team in the preparation of Pearls & Rubies’ conference and I remember coming to church for cleaning but when I went back home to get ready I felt a sharp pain in my entire chest and this time the pain was not going away. I just remembered crying out to God telling Him that I cannot miss this event after all these months of praying and preparation.

Only by the grace of God I was able to attend the conference but on the Sunday I kept on hearing “go to the hospital” in my spirit.

During Samuel worship at the end of the event, Pastor Wale said if anyone would like a word of prophecy to come forward. But I kept hearing in my spirit that I should asked Pastor Toro to pray over me. And I obeyed. Pastor Toro while praying said that i would experiment the same grace that has covered her so far and much more.

While waiting for some bloodwork to be done, I received a call from Pastor Toro and I was surprised since I did not message anyone. She prayed with me and just said “it is well”, that God will see me through.

Once the results from the bloodwork came back, the Doctor came immediately in my room and said that I should go for a CT scan and when the results came back, it showed blood clots in my lungs.

My brothers and sisters I could have died, I should have experienced a severe pulmonary embolism but God saw me through. Right there I started to cry, the doctor thought the tears were out of fear but it were tears out of a grateful heart.

I was released on the same day which even that is a testimony. The doctor said that even with these clots, my vitals were good.

The devil tried to attack me with thoughts such as “look at you now, serving but then ending up at the hospital”. He tried really hard to attack me mentally and isolate me. He tried to stop me from serving in the house of the Lord. But he failed Glory to God.

My brothers and sisters, Serve the Lord no matter what. Not out of obligation but out of love. Serve Him faithfully, serve Him with a grateful heart. Our Father is such an awesome rewarder.

I no longer experience any sharp pain, I can breath normally and I serve the Lord more diligently than before because He is Good!!!

Pastor Toro you are my special gift from our Lord, thank you for being a living proof of God’s love for us. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me and encouraged me through this time. Special thanks to Pastor Wale, Minister Omowunmi and Brother Tunde. Minister Jummy thank you for visiting me so many times and still loving me from far away.


To my husband and parents I love you!


To God be all the Glory and honor.