The word of God does not change, does not lie and does not fail - PTej

I am here to give a testimony of miraculous healing and restoration of my health. This testimony has been a long time coming and has been a bit overdue for me.


For a couple of months before 21 days of unprecedented favour, I have been dealing with unexplainable medical issues. I was dealing with severe vomiting, fainting, and blood appearing where it should not be, and I was getting tested for many things including cancer. I had gone to the doctor and they could not figure out what was wrong with me. It was a very frustrating and stressful time for me.


During 21 days of unprecedented favour Ptej had a word of knowledge about somebody who had been experiencing blood where it was not supposed to be. Since that time that he prayed over me I have not experienced any blood and all of my other symptoms disappeared. All of my medical tests came back negative and I’m not experiencing any more symptoms or issues with poor health.


I praise God and I thank Jesus for this complete and total healing and restoration. I just want to encourage those who are currently going through a difficult time whether it’s medical or not keep trusting God because He is faithful and He will restore you.


I would also like to thank our man of God Ptej, thank you for availing yourself to be used of the Lord and thank you for being such a strong and godly example for us all. I love you, I honour you, and I celebrate you, Sir.